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Recurring/Relapses on Frozen Shoulders

  Recurring/Relapses on Frozen Shoulders  Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that can be frustrating to deal with, especially if you are experiencing recurring or relapsing symptoms. Here are some factors that may contribute to recurring or relapsing frozen shoulder: Incomplete recovery: If the initial treatment for your frozen shoulder was not fully effective, or if you did not complete the recommended course of physical therapy or other treatments, you may be more likely to experience recurring or relapsing symptoms. Underlying medical conditions : Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or thyroid disorders, can increase your risk of developing frozen shoulder, and may also make it more difficult to fully recover. Injury or overuse : Re-injury or overuse of the affected shoulder can exacerbate symptoms of frozen shoulder or cause them to recur. Poor posture or body mechanics : Poor posture or body mechanics can contribute to shoulder pain and st

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